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닐슨의 전국 및 향상된 지역 TV 시청률 서비스에 대한 미디어 등급 위원회(MRC) 인증 획득

4분 읽기 | 2020년 6월

Accreditation extends to NPM and all LPM markets, plus 19 Set Meter markets leveraging PPM data and Viewer Assignment methodology

New York, NY June 23, 2020 – Nielsen announced today that its Local People Meter (LPM) market service and Set Meter measurement services in 19 of 31 U.S. Set Meter markets have been granted continued accreditation by the Media Rating Council (MRC)*. This marks a significant achievement for Nielsen because these services now include Portable People Meter (PPM) measurement, which Nielsen began incorporating as part of its Local Transformation initiative in October 2019. Additionally, Nielsen announced that its National Ratings service has received continued MRC accreditation.

This accreditation also includes household and persons-level estimates where Nielsen’s Viewer Assignment (VA) methodology is deployed, in 19 Set Meter + PPM markets, as well as in its national ratings service, thus signaling the MRC’s formal acceptance of Nielsen’s execution of the Viewer Assignment (VA) methodology. The inclusion of PPM for TV measurement brings increased size and stability to its local panels.

Nielsen is the only company to be accredited for both local and national TV ratings services. Now more than ever, it is important for media owners and marketers with both national and local footprints to have the confidence in their data-based decisions to efficiently capitalize on audiences, reach their best consumer and drive return on investment.

“We congratulate Nielsen on achieving this important milestone in the transformation of its TV measurement,” said George W. Ivie, Executive Director and CEO of the MRC. “Even more importantly, we look forward to working with Nielsen in its ongoing work to continuously improve the quality of these and other services in its measurement product portfolio, and to provide the transparency into these services that is required by the industry to have the confidence it needs in how well its advertising and programming investments are measured.”

“We are excited about the future of our measurement services for our clients and the industry as a whole,” said Amilcar Perez, Executive Vice President, National Media Clients, Nielsen. “The MRC accreditation process is extensive, encompassing all significant aspects of a measurement service’s design and execution. This assignation reaffirms Nielsen’s commitment to providing clients with trusted metrics via our best-in-class data science, technology and methodology that serve as the backbone of our measurement standards and solutions. At the same time, participation in the MRC process demonstrates Nielsen’s fidelity to transparency and recognition of the importance of independent, third-party validation.”

In October, Nielsen announced that it had completed a major transformation of its local television business combining advanced meter technology, big data and people-powered panels into its Local TV measurement service.

“The MRC’s accreditation of Local People Meter (LPM) + Portable People Meter (PPM) and Set Meter + PPM measurement services reflects Nielsen’s commitment to transparency and providing the best audience measurement to local markets,” affirmed Catherine Herkovic, EVP/Managing Director, Nielsen Local TV. “It represents another major milestone in the transformation of our local television services.”

The Media Rating Council (MRC) establishes industry standards for valid, reliable and effective media audience measurement research. MRC accreditation signals to the marketplace that a product/service meets the MRC minimum standards for the production and delivery of audience ratings. 

*The following 19 Set Meter + PPM markets were granted continued accreditation: Austin, Cincinnati, Columbus, Greensboro, Hartford, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Memphis, Milwaukee, Nashville, Norfolk, Providence, Raleigh-Durham, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Diego and West Palm Beach.


닐슨 홀딩스(NYSE: NLSN)는 전 세계 소비자 및 시장에 대한 가장 완벽하고 신뢰할 수 있는 뷰를 제공하는 글로벌 측정 및 데이터 분석 회사입니다. 닐슨은 두 개의 사업부로 나뉘어져 있습니다. 미디어 시장에 대한 진실의 중재자인 닐슨 글로벌 미디어는 미디어 및 광고 업계에 편향되지 않고 신뢰할 수 있는 지표를 제공하여 시장이 작동하는 데 필요한 업계에 대한 이해를 공유합니다. 닐슨 글로벌 커넥트는 소비재 제조업체와 소매업체에 정확하고 실행 가능한 정보와 인사이트를 제공하며, 기업이 혁신하고 성장하는 데 필요한 복잡하고 변화하는 시장에 대한 전체적인 그림을 제공합니다. 닐슨의 접근 방식은 독점적인 닐슨 데이터와 다른 데이터 소스를 결합하여 전 세계 고객이 현재 일어나고 있는 일과 앞으로 일어날 일, 그리고 이러한 지식을 바탕으로 최선의 조치를 취할 수 있는 방법을 이해할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

S&P 500대 기업 중 하나인 닐슨은 전 세계 인구의 90% 이상을 커버하는 100개국 이상에서 사업을 운영하고 있습니다. 자세한 정보는 www.nielsen.com 에서 확인하세요.

ABOUT MEDIA RATING COUNCIL (MRC) The MRC is a non-profit industry association established in 1963 composed of leading television, radio, print and Internet companies, as well as advertisers, advertising agencies and trade associations whose goal is to ensure measurement services that are valid, reliable and effective. Measurement services desiring MRC Accreditation are required to disclose to their customers all methodological aspects of their service; comply with the MRC Minimum Standards for Media Rating Research and other standards MRC produces, and submit to MRC-designed audits to authenticate and illuminate their procedures. In addition, the MRC membership actively pursues research issues they consider priorities in an effort to improve the quality of research in the marketplace. Currently more than 100 research products are audited by the MRC.



Salvatore Tuzzeo, National TV Audience Measurement




Dawn Rowan, Local TV Audience Measurement

