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Nielsen Partners With DBM Consultants To Launch DBM Atlas + Media Profiler

3분 읽기 | 2020년 9월

Unlocks Deeper Consumer Understanding, Specifically For The Financial Services Sector

SYDNEY, 30 SEPTEMBER 2020: Nielsen (NYSE: NLSN) today announced a partnership with DBM Consultants to integrate Nielsen’s Consumer & Media View (CMV) solution with the market-leading DBM Atlas dataset. The result is an unrivalled segmentation and profiling dataset that has been developed specifically for the banking, insurance and wealth management categories. 

The new product called DBM Atlas + Media Profiler offers over 12,000 attitudinal, behavioural and media variables for in-depth consumer profiling – including when and how to best reach and engage key audiences. 

In a rapidly changing world, DBM Atlas + Media Profiler gives marketers, agencies and publishers a competitive edge in the banking, insurance and wealth management space.  This powerful dataset will drive better data-driven decisions to optimise product development, consumer strategy, media strategy and sponsorship planning for priority audiences.

By constructing richer target audience segments using the combined DBM Atlas and Nielsen CMV dataset, consumer profiles can now include expanded insights across vital attitudinal, lifestyle behaviour, banking, insurance and wealth management purchase intentions, sporting passions and media consumption preferences – now available in the same place for the first time.

“We’re excited to partner with Nielsen and unveil this highly effective tool for financial services media planners, strategists and marketers. As budgets tighten and media consumption continues to fragment, it is critical these professionals have the most comprehensive view of the market possible. This innovative new solution allows the optimisation of media planning specifically for financial services in a time when precise targeting has never been more important,” Commented Kipling Zubevich – CEO, DBM Consultants

“We are thrilled to partner with DBM to bring their trusted financial insights into our Consumer & Media View (CMV) solution. Nielsen has a strong history of linking media currency data with CMV  and it’s exciting to expand our offering to include DBM Atlas financial currency data. This new joint solution will unlock a deeper consumer understanding, specifically across the financial services sector – enabling more informed marketing, communication and media planning  decisions to drive ROI,” Commented Monique Perry, Managing Director, Media & Sports, Nielsen Media Australia. 

With the launch of this new dataset, Nielsen is democratising in-depth consumer and media insights across the finance and insurance sector – enabling marketers to ensure they are always ahead of the curve.


닐슨 홀딩스(NYSE: NLSN)는 전 세계 소비자 및 시장에 대한 가장 완벽하고 신뢰할 수 있는 뷰를 제공하는 글로벌 측정 및 데이터 분석 회사입니다. 닐슨은 두 개의 사업부로 나뉘어져 있습니다. 닐슨 글로벌 미디어는 미디어 및 광고 업계에 편향되지 않고 신뢰할 수 있는 지표를 제공하여 시장이 작동하는 데 필요한 업계에 대한 이해를 공유합니다. 닐슨 글로벌 커넥트는 소비재 제조업체와 소매업체에 정확하고 실행 가능한 정보와 인사이트를 제공하며, 기업이 혁신하고 성장하는 데 필요한 복잡하고 변화하는 시장에 대한 전체적인 그림을 제공합니다. 닐슨의 접근 방식은 독점적인 닐슨 데이터와 다른 데이터 소스를 결합하여 전 세계 고객이 현재 일어나고 있는 일과 앞으로 일어날 일, 그리고 이러한 지식을 바탕으로 최선의 조치를 취할 수 있는 방법을 이해할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

S&P 500대 기업 중 하나인 닐슨은 전 세계 인구의 90% 이상을 커버하는 90개국 이상에서 사업을 운영하고 있습니다. 자세한 정보는 www.nielsen.com 에서 확인하세요.


Nielsen Media

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