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2 minute read | Monique Perry, Head Of Media Industry Group | November 2015

Digital advertising is fast coming of age and now ranks among the most trusted forms of advertising for Australian consumers. When looking at branded content, the 2015 Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Report shows the digital revolution continues to gain momentum. However, the majority of consumers still very much trust and react to traditional forms of advertising such as TV, radio and newspapers.

Let’s take a brief look into the report so that you can explore some of the most effective ways to influence your consumers’ purchasing behaviours:

In 2007, fewer than 1 in 5 Australians trusted banner ads online. Today that figure has almost doubled to 1 in 3 Australians. Similarly, trust in branded websites has grown from half of Australians in 2007 to almost 3 in 5 today. Search engine advertisements remain steady with 1 in 3 Australians trusting them.

Of course, the most trusted source of information on a brand, product or service are other consumers, with 4 in 5 Australians trusting recommendations from someone they already know. But surprisingly, comments from other online consumers represent the second most trusted source, with 3 in 5 Australians indicating they place a high level of trust in this area.

Trust of text ads on mobile phones has also increased from 3 in 20 Australians in 2007 to 1 in 4 today. While trust has grown, there is still ample room for mobile advertising to have an even stronger impact on consumers when comparing Australia’s market with the global average for trust on this platform, which sits at almost half of consumers.

The advertising landscape is evolving at an extraordinary pace. As media proliferation and technology advances it creates new ways of connecting with consumers. Making an impact on the right audience in a world of choice can make it a difficult decision as to where to put your advertising dollars. Understanding where the trust and response levers lie is a great place to start. 

For more detail and insight, download our Global Trust in Advertising Report.


尼尔森全球广告信任度调查于2015年2月23日至3月13日进行,对亚太地区、欧洲、拉丁美洲、中东、非洲和北美60个国家的3万多名消费者进行了调查。样本根据各国互联网用户的年龄和性别进行了配额,并经过加权以代表互联网消费者。误差率为 ±0.6%。尼尔森的这项调查仅基于能上网的受访者的行为。互联网普及率因国家而异。尼尔森采用的最低报告标准是互联网普及率达到 60%,或在线人口达到 1000 万。尼尔森全球调查包括全球消费者信心指数,成立于 2005 年。
