
Nielsen’s Quarterly Total Audience Report Levels Playing Field Among Devices and Platforms


Demonstrates the Importance of Common Metrics to Total Audience Measurement

WASHINTON, DC – June 23, 2015 – Today, Nielsen unveils the results of the Q1 2015 Total Audience Report at its annual client conference and global events series Consumer 360. The latest edition of the report examines the different ways consumers are connecting with content and provides a comparable look at how devices, channels and technology platforms measure up against each other on a level playing field. The report also shares insights on how often different devices are accessed and time spent on each device.

An emphasis is placed on the importance of comparing different platforms using common metrics. The report addresses industry confusion around the common error of comparing digital video views, or uniques, with TV average minute audience.

According to Nielsen’s Total Audience Report, radio and traditional television have the largest Reach of any of the platforms that were analyzed. Specifically, radio reaches nearly 223 million listeners weekly (93% of US adults) and television reaches over 209 million viewers (87%). Among digital devices, Smartphones have the greatest weekly reach, reaching 70% of the adult U.S. Population.

“The proliferation of technological devices has allowed consumers the luxury of connecting to content in their own ways and at their own leisure. However, measuring the value of viewers of different devices—because of the differences in the nature of the platforms themselves—have not historically aligned,” says Glenn Enoch, SVP Audience Insights & Analysis, Nielsen. “In this edition of the Total Audience Report, we took a hard and impartial look at look not just on how many consumers are connecting with devices and platforms, but how often and for how long.”

The Q1 2015 Total Audience Report is available at www.nielsen.com and is being shared at twitter.com/nielsen.


ニールセン(Nielsen N.V.、NYSE: NLSN)は、消費者が何を視聴し、何を購入するかを包括的に把握するグローバル・パフォーマンス・マネジメント企業です。ニールセンのウォッチ部門は、メディアや広告のクライアントに、動画、音声、テキストなど、コンテンツが消費されるあらゆるデバイスを網羅したトータルオーディエンス測定サービスを提供しています。Buy部門は、消費財メーカーや小売業者に対し、業界唯一のグローバルな小売パフォーマンス測定サービスを提供しています。ニールセンは、ウォッチ・セグメントとバイ・セグメント、およびその他のデータソースからの情報を統合することで、クライアントにワールドクラスの測定と、パフォーマンス向上に役立つアナリティクスの両方を提供しています。S&P500の一社であるニールセンは、100カ国以上で事業を展開し、世界人口の90%以上をカバーしています。詳細はwww.nielsen.com。 


Sal Tuzzeo,sal.tuzzeo@nielsen.com