
Nielsen acquires pointlogic

4 分钟阅读 | 2016 年 3 月

New York – March 3, 2016 – Nielsen today announced that it has completed its acquisition of Pointlogic, a global leader in software and analytics solutions that improve marketing return on investment (ROI). With clients in over 100 countries, Pointlogic software is integral to the media planning functions of agencies, media owners and advertisers.

The acquisition of Pointlogic further extends Nielsen’s data and planning assets across its Watch and Buy divisions, and advances the adoption of Nielsen Total Audience data, including Digital/Total Ad Ratings and Digital/Total Content Ratings around the world. Among the benefits for Pointlogic, the acquisition provides the opportunity to strengthen and better leverage the company’s product portfolio, which includes Bizpoint, Brandpoint, Commspoint, Pinpoint and Valuepoint.

尼尔森和Pointlogic于2014年结成战略联盟,共同开发尼尔森媒体影响力(Nielsen Media Impact),这是一款创新工具,采用一流的媒体测量和先进的分析技术,使客户能够在投资前预测其计划对销售和品牌资产的影响。Nielsen Media Impact 在单一平台上提供整合的 "到达率"、"共振率 "和 "反应率 "数据,帮助客户通过简单易用的软件提高营销效果。

"尼尔森产品领导力总裁梅根-克拉克恩(Megan Clarken)表示:"此次收购极大地增强了我们客户在当今数字化营销环境中更精准地进行规划和执行的能力。"尼尔森与Pointlogic的合作将改变客户以最有效的方式接触、吸引和激活消费者的方式,从而实现他们想要的品牌和业务成果。


"Pointlogic联合创始人Sjoerd Mostert表示:"在当今多变的媒体环境中,代理公司、媒体所有者和广告商需要能够连接传统和数字规划的解决方案,并应用一流的分析和决策支持系统来改进他们的战略规划,最终提高营销投资回报率。Pointlogic的另一位联合创始人Peter Kloprogge补充说:"我们很高兴能与我们的战略合作者尼尔森一起继续保持良好的发展势头,并想方设法利用此次收购为我们的客户谋福利。 


Nielsen N.V. (NYSE: NLSN) is a global performance management company that provides a comprehensive understanding of what consumers Watch and Buy. Nielsen’s Watch segment provides media and advertising clients with Total Audience measurement services across all devices where content — video, audio and text — is consumed. The Buy segment offers consumer packaged goods manufacturers and retailers the industry’s only global view of retail performance measurement. By integrating information from its Watch and Buy segments and other data sources, Nielsen provides its clients with both world-class measurement as well as analytics that help improve performance.  Nielsen, an S&P 500 company, has operations in over 100 countries that cover more than 90 percent of the world’s population. For more information, visit www.nielsen.com.


Pointlogic 为品牌、媒体/创意机构和媒体所有者提供创新的营销决策支持软件。Pointlogic 是一家荷兰公司,总部位于荷兰鹿特丹。Pointlogic 通过其荷兰办事处以及在巴西、美国、英国和新加坡的当地办事处,为 100 多个国家的客户提供服务。其产品和服务包括用于战略传播规划、全受众规划以及营销和媒体绩效评估的软件、分析和研究。欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.pointlogic.com 。 


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Media Relations: Brendan McCarthy, brendan.mccarthy@nielsen.com +1 646-654-8850Investor Relations: Kate Vanek, kate.vanek@nielsen.com, +1 646-654-4593

For more information about Pointlogic: Laura Dragulin, dragulin@pointlogic.com