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Nielsen Reports TV, Internet and Mobile Usage Among Americans

2 minute read | July 2008

On Tuesday, The Nielsen Company released the first U.S. figures showing video and TV usage across the “three screens”: television, the Internet, and mobile devices.

Nielsen’s findings show that TV users are watching more TV than ever before (127 hrs, 15 min per month), while spending 9% more time using the Internet (26 hrs, 26 min per month) than last year.

A small but growing number of Internet and mobile phone users are also watching video online (2 hrs, 19 min per month) and on their cell phones (3 hrs, 15 min per month).

“While the number of mobile video users is relatively small at about 4 million, the video usage these early adopters report is impressive, perhaps due to ‘always available’ mobile devices,” John Burbank, chief marketing officer for The Nielsen Company, noted. “It is an early indicator of how this technology is becoming more commonplace among mobile users.”

More broadly — as Brian Stelter, writing in The New York Times Tuesday, concluded — “somehow, despite more distractions than ever, we’re finding even more time to plant ourselves in front of screens.”

Read the complete report.

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