The line between Black Friday and Cyber Monday is blurring, as many U.S. consumers are going online for holiday deals on the biggest shopping day of the year for brick-and-mortar retailers. While shopping tendencies among all consumers didn’t shift dramatically between 2011 and 2012, there were some significant changes among multicultural consumers.
Asian-Americans, for example, spent nearly 40 percent more time visiting kids/games/toys sites on Black Friday in 2012 than in 2011, the only group to do so. Hispanics were the only ones to spend more time on wireless sites on Black Friday in 2012 (11%), and African-Americans saw the largest increase in time spent browsing coupons/rewards sites (16%).
Overall, visits to retail sites, a typically popular category during the holidays, was down slightly on Cyber Monday in 2012. Visits among African-Americans and Hispanics, however, did increase from Cyber Monday in 2011, by 32 percent and 19 percent, respectively. Time spent on consumer electronics sites on Cyber Monday in 2012 grew the most among Hispanic and African-American consumers (up 14% and 6%, respectively), while Asian-American and Caucasian consumers spent about the same amount of time on these websites compared with 2011.