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Nielsen Enhances Identity System for Digital Ad Ratings in Canada

2분 읽기 | 2022년 4월

Demographic data from multiple data providers powers up the Nielsen Identity System to bring scale and increased accuracy for digital measurement of the open web

Canada, 4 April 2022 – On April 1, Nielsen enhanced its open web methodology in Canada for Digital Ad Ratings through the Nielsen Identity System alongside seven other markets: Australia, Brazil, India, Germany, Indonesia, Japan and Spain. Nielsen is revolutionizing how digital ad campaigns are measured in a rapidly changing media ecosystem.

The launch of the Nielsen Identity System in Canada on April 1st follows successful launches in Italy, France and the UK earlier this year.

Paige Sontag, Client Strategy Director, Nielsen Activation, Measurement and Media Analytics, Canada said, “Nielsen’s focus on local markets ensures measurement in Canada will remain viable through the changing digital ecosystem and will continue to strengthen. With the decline of cookies, our focus on strengthening identity pushes us closer to mending the fragmentation within the digital measurement ecosystem. The enhancements that are being made to the Nielsen Identity System will instill a new confidence in measuring the reach and frequency of campaigns.”

Thanks to the Nielsen Identity System powering Digital Ad Ratings, advertisers and publishers can measure reach and frequency of their audiences with confidence knowing that when a digital ad is viewed, demographics are deduplicated across mobile and PC platforms to get to true people-based metrics.

This upgraded identification system measures digital campaigns for the open web alongside the integrations already in place for walled gardens. Powered by more than 2 billion device identifiers across the world, constantly being refreshed, it also connects digital ad impressions for the open web to demographic data from both Nielsen and third party data providers.

닐슨은 닐슨 아이덴티티 시스템을 강화하기 위해 글로벌 및 현지 데이터 제공업체와 지속적으로 관계를 맺고 확장하고 있습니다.

This is an important milestone as the company continues to evolve technologies and methodologies toward the global Nielsen ONE strategy, underpinning a powerful digital measurement capability which helps with the vision of a true cross-platform that measures across all screens.


닐슨(Nielsen)은 잠재고객 측정 및 데이터를 제공하는 미디어 정보 분석 기업으로서 전세계 미디어와 컨텐츠를 분석하고 있다. 전세계 모든 채널과 플랫폼에서 사용자 행동 패턴을 분석해 독립적이고 실행 가능한 인사이트를 고객사에 제공해 현재는 물론 미래의 잠재 사용자까지 연결하고 참여할 수 있도록 지원한다. S&P 500 기업인 닐슨은 측정과 분석 서비스를 55개 이상의 국가에 제공하고 있다. 닐슨에 대한 자세한 정보는 홈페이지(www.nielsen.com, www.nielsen.com/investors)에서 확인할 수 있다.