The average American consumed almost 60 hours of content each week across TV, radio, online and mobile in 2012. Of the many mediums, radio remains a constant in our daily lives. The average American radio listener tunes in to radio over two hours per day (or 14 hours per week), making it the second-most consumed form of media after TV. Given that more than 90 percent of Americans tune in to the radio each week, understanding how this fits into consumers’ total connections will help marketers best reach their audiences.
For example, the hyper local nature of audio offers advertisers community-level engagement between content and in-store activity. Often timely, radio spots can catch listeners right before they make their purchase decisions, and an impactful radio spot can inform and influence these decisions.
For years, we’ve shared insights into the expanding pie of media consumption. Radio listeners prove that there are always more ways to reach and inform motivated customers and more than one way to slice that data.
A Year in Consumption
As we continue to examine the similarities and differences between radio listeners, digital consumers and television viewers, we keep building a total view of daily media consumption. Is the composition of the audio audience more like the online and mobile audience or more like the traditional television viewer?