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Do we record our favorite TV shows? Time Shifted viewing in Poland

1 minute read | Gabriel Matwiejczyk | December 2013

When we do not have the opportunity to watch your favorite series or the expected movie while it is broadcast on TV, you can record it and watch it later. This phenomenon is called time-shifted viewing (TSV). And although the recording technology (PVR) has 21.5% of viewers in Poland, it is not used very often.

This type of activity increases the size of the audience to a very limited extent in relation to “live” materials – in the general group of all viewers (age 4+) it is an increase of 0.55%. A slightly higher rate was recorded for the group aged 16-49 from larger cities (over 100 inhabitants) and with higher income (over 2750). For this group, TSV increased its audience by 2.41%.

The model of using shifted viewing is also interesting. Almost 69% of recorded programs are played on the day they are recorded and more than 97% of recorded programs are played up to 2 days after recording, and the average delay compared to the original broadcast is 26 hours.

The time shift “adds” the most viewers to music and film channels (up to 17%).

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