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Radio Grows Stronger, Reaching 135,000 More UAE Listeners In Q1 2018

1 minute read | May 2018

Radio has proven to be an exceptionally strong medium of information and entertainment among the population in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This medium has only gotten stronger, reaching 95% of the population aged 10 and older in first-quarter 2018, which is an increase of 135,000 listeners across the UAE from fourth-quarter 2017 across 52 radio stations measured in the country.

The growth in reach was highest among Filipinos, Iranians and Afghans, and we saw similar listenership trends when we look at the stations broadcasting in these languages.

When we look at the time of day listening growth was highest, we see that radio is truly benefiting from night owls. The reach of radio increased by 8,000 between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. and by 27,000 between 8 p.m. and 12 a.m. These nighttime listeners are largely aged 25-44 and are more likely to be on the move, possibly taking advantage of the cooler winter evenings to spend more time out of their homes catching up with family and friends.

Despite the increasing influence of digital mediums in the country that provide new ways to engage with media, AM/FM radio remains the main device for listening for the majority of the population (83%), while 35% also listen on their mobiles. Mobile listeners clock an average of 4 hours 28 mins per week via their mobile devices.

Click here to download the Q1 2018 UAE RAM topline report and PwC’s Quality Assurance audit report.

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