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Ad Spend by Sector: Consumer Goods Marketers Spend Big

2 分钟阅读 | 2013 年 1 月

Despite moderate global growth in advertising spending, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies continued to invest—and invest more—according to Nielsen’s quarterly Global AdView Pulse report. The largest sector by ad spend market share, with roughly a quarter of all dollars spent (25.1%), FMCG saw a six percent increase in ad spend in 2012 through September. FMCG was joined by telecom, media and automotive as the top sectors for year-over-year ad growth.

FMCG: FMCG spending grew most in Q3 (9.6%), driven largely by increases in food and drink advertising. Advertising in the Middle East and Africa contributed significantly to these gains, with a regional year-to-date increase in FMCG spending of 41 percent.

Telecommunications: Telecommunications advertising unsurprisingly continued to lead the sectors for growth in year-to-date advertising spend (+6.6%).

Media: Within the media sector, broadcasters spent 8.3 percent more in ad spending for 2012 to date. This jump may be in part due to an increase in broadcasters advertising on their own channels, as they promote their content and fill spots not sold to other advertisers.

Automotive: Q3 is traditionally big for the automotive industry, as the sector saw a 6 percent increase in the first three quarters of 2012 over the same period in 2011.

Download the Q3 2012 Global AdView Pulse Report here.


尼尔森全球 AdView Pulse 监测电视、报纸、杂志、广播、户外、影院和互联网显示广告的广告支出。由于数据可用性的原因,某些市场可能不包括部分媒体。


阿根廷: IBOPE


克罗地亚: 尼尔森与益普索合作

埃及: 泛阿拉伯研究中心(PARC)

法国 Yacast

希腊: 媒体服务


日本: 日本每日新闻社

科威特: 泛阿拉伯研究中心(PARC)

黎巴嫩: 泛阿拉伯研究中心(PARC)

墨西哥: IBOPE


葡萄牙: 媒体监测

沙特阿拉伯: 泛阿拉伯研究中心(PARC)

西班牙: Arce Media

瑞士: 尼尔森与 Media Focus 合作

阿联酋: 泛阿拉伯研究中心(PARC)

