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Case Study: Segmentation Identifies Habits and Consumption Patterns of Viewers

1 minute read | June 2016

Internally rated networks face unique challenges to effectively compete in the marketplace and illustrate the true value of their viewers. Pivot, a Participant Media Network, is a network dedicated to entertainment that inspires and compels social change. It needed a way to externally solidify what it already knew about its audience of conscious consumers and show that the group’s buying patterns align with the network’s core mission.

Nielsen and Pivot worked together to develop a custom segmentation study. Pivot first aggregated Nielsen’s PRIZM segments within the framework of the network’s own proprietary segmentation study, and then tied that information back to Nielsen’s National People Meter panel. PRIZM confirmed that Pivot viewers are indeed conscious consumers – viewers that over-index among such socially conscious themes like volunteering, buying natural products, paying more for environmentally safe products and buying brands that support causes they care about. In fact, the network’s three segments all demonstrated strong buying behaviors within important categories like automotive, CPG and alcoholic beverages.

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