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Unwrapping Gifts: Tech Gadgets Shine Bright for Podcast Listeners

3 minute read | November 2016

Podcast listening is on the rise, and with the holiday season approaching, the growing audience for these audible attention grabbers presents an opportunity. Understanding who listens to podcasts and what devices they’re using (or hope to use) can be helpful for their gift-giving friends and family members, as well advertisers seeking to reach listeners themselves. Since digital or internet accessible gifts are sure to be at the top of any podcast listeners’ wish list, Nielsen Scarborough looked at the shopping behaviors of these audio fans.

With many listeners tuning in to their favorite podcasts while also doing other activities, it should come as no surprise that podcast listeners more likely than the general population to agree they like to be connected at all times.  And they’re eager to try the latest tools that keep them connected: one in three are also more likely to say they are the first of their friends and colleagues to try new technology products.

While electronic device ownership is high for podcast listeners, intent to purchase shows they still desire new devices. When asked what items their households plan to buy during the next year, podcast listeners showed a higher likelihood to purchase a number of electronics, including HD radios (289), eReaders (209), video game systems (195), digital cameras (155) and HDTVs (135).  

Almost all podcast listeners own a smartphone (91%), yet they are 52% more likely to plan to purchase a new device in the upcoming year. Tablets also promise to be a hit with podcast listeners, as they are 78% more likely to be planning to purchase these devices during the next year.

While “traditional” electronics are sure to please, they aren’t the only electronic gifts for these listeners. Sixty-five percent of podcast listeners agree they are fascinated by new technology, making cutting edge gifts such as virtual reality devices, smart watches, robots and smart home devices likely additions to their holiday wish list.  

For advertisers looking to reach the podcast listener, integrated campaigns across social media channels will be important, as 92% of podcast listeners have visited a social networking site during the past month. The good news for advertisers able to reach this audience is that 66% agree that, when they find a technology or electronics product they like, they typically recommend it to people they know.

For gift givers still at a loss of what to give the podcast listeners in their life, a gift card to an online electronics retailer could be a good solution. Podcast listeners are 127% more likely to have shopped for consumer electronics online during the past year than the average adult.

Alternatively, a digitally focused online subscription service might also be appreciated. Podcast listeners are 149% more likely to have watched a TV program using an online subscription service, 135% more likely to have downloaded/purchased music, 129% more likely to have watched/downloaded movies and 121% more likely to have listened to an online music service in the past 30 days.

Selecting the right gift can be challenging, but a digital gift is sure to light up the faces of podcast listeners. So as we dream by the fire, we can be secure in the gift choices we’ve made by having shopped in a digital wonderland.

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